Apr 4, 2010

Prototype #3: Concept A

The original idea I had was to make a sleek looking CNC, something modern that doesn't make it look like an industrial-look cold aesthetics as most CNC have.  Here are some of my early renderings and concept development.

To do a full scale testing, I made a mold and made the X axis tray in full scale out of kevlar/carbon fiber material.  The end result was mixed, it was light weight and rigid, but have designed the molds and parts inefficient for the composite techniques I was using.

This was a good thing as it made me rethink the entire project.  As this was my class project we have to consider the audience, who is this marketed for.  It got me thinking that only a small percentage would actually need/want a super light weight CNC and would be willing to pay the premium for it.  It made me rethink why was I using space-age composite materials.  This would be the first eureka moment in my project...

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